Press , Publication:
Corporate bonds in a decreasing interest rate environment: Robus featured in Institutional Money

London, 13 April 2024. The environment for investments in interest rate instruments has changed radically – as has the risk/return ratio of interest rate investments: corporate bonds from medium-sized issuers currently offer yields that correspond to the long-term average of the equity markets. In this context, an article on the Robus Short Maturity Fund was published in the financial magazine Institutional Money in issue 01/2024 on pp. 110-111. Please read the full article [Available only in German] here.

Robus with a guest-article in the Going Public Magazine

Frankfurt, April 30, 2015. Mark Hoffmann, , a portfolio manager at Robus Capital was asked by the editors of Going Public Magazine for a commentary on the bond market for mid-sized companies. The article, found in the section “Viewpoint,” is titled “Mittelstandsanleihe 2.0” and appeared in the 05-2015 issue on page 51. This article is only available in German.

Publication , Publication:
Robus with a guest column in Anleihen-Finder

Frankfurt, November 03, 2013. Benjamin Noisser, Managing Director at Robus Capital, was asked by the editors of Anleihen-Finder, a publication that focuses on Mittelstand bonds, to write a column on the Mittelstand bond market. The series of articles are only available in German and appear as follows:
Lessons from the recent the challenges of the Mittelstand bond market
Why covenants in the German Mittelstand bond market are important
German Mittelstand bonds –growing fast but not yet mature

Publication , Publication:
High-Yield Investments in German Mid-sized Companies

Frankfurt, May 28, 2013. Mark Hoffmann and Dieter Kaiser from Robus Capital Management Limited have published a paper in Absolut Report, a renowned publication for institutional investors in German speaking countries, entitled “High-Yield-Investments im deutschen Mittelstand.” The article can be downloaded as a PDF here.

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