News & Publications

Short maturity bonds for interest income stability: Robus featured in Institutional Money

London, 04 October 2024. The return of interest rates is once again opening up opportunities for predictable returns with low volatility. In an environment of falling interest rates and economic and geopolitical problems, it is also important to take a close look at the money market segment. In this context, an article on the Robus Short Maturity Fund was published in the financial magazine Institutional Money in issue 03/2024 on pp. 172-173. Please read the full article [Available only in German] here.

Corporate Bonds in the wake in a decreasing interest rate environment

London, 7 September 2024. This article discusses the current opportunities and risks in the corporate bond market against the backdrop of decreasing interest rates. At the same time, the necessary knowledge and experience for a successful investment in unrated corporate bonds is presented. The article, written by Dieter Kaiser, was published in the “Mittelstandsfinanzierung” supplement of the Börsen-Zeitung on September 9, 2024. Please read the full article [Available only in German] here.

Robus in an interview with TiAM

London, 07 August 2024. One year ago, Robus Capital launched the Robus Mid-Market Value Bond Fund, a bond fund that focuses on short-dated bonds. In an interview with TiAM Fundresearch, Benjamin Noisser spoke about the fund’s investment strategy and success factors. Here you can read the full interview [Available only in German].

Robus Short Maturity Fund exceeds expectations with short-dated corporate bonds

London, 15 July 2024. Robus Short Maturity Fund, the third liquid bond fund from Robus Capital, has met expectations one year after its launch. With an annual performance of 7.6 percent, the debt investor’s money market-oriented concept exceeded the target return of 1.5 to 2 percent above the 3-month Euribor with volatility of around 1 percent. Please read the full press release here.

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