Frankfurt, January 05, 2015. Robus Capital was interviewed in an article of the Handelsblatts for an opinion on the future of the mid-sized corporate bond market. The article by Michael Brächer is entitled “Pleiten, Pech und Peinliches” and appeared on page 60 and 61 of the weekend issue from the 2nd/3rd/4th of January 2015 (No. 1). Robus was cited as follows: “In order for mini-bonds to have a chance, something has to change. “We believe that the market deserves a future,” says Dieter Kaiser, Managing Director of the Frankfurt based asset management firm Robus. “However, underwriters need to learn from the mistakes of the past and new bond issues finally need to be professionally structured.” Kaiser is referring to standards that have long been common in international markets for high-yield bonds. He would like “collateral, covenants, and guarantees from all affiliated companies.” This way creditors receive significantly more in the event of insolvency than they have in the past.” Source: Handelsblatt (2015). This article is only available in German.